“Know thyself and thou shalt know the Universe”- Socrates

For centuries, this axiom has been a guiding light for thinkers, scientists, and mystics alike. It continues to echo through my journey of self discovery and personal development. It inspires me to stay open. To continue learning, evolving, growing, and healing. On my path, I enjoy walking the line between the logical and the intuitive, the magical and the mundane, the seen and the unseen worlds. I love weaving together and mending what has become fractured in our reality, in our species, and in our inner beings. I seek to understand the greater Truths of our Universe and beyond. It is my mission in this life to be in service of humanity, Spirit, and the greatest good of all. I am dedicated to leaving this world better than I found it through love and healing. This journey began within and has rippled out into my community through my work. It is my greatest hope that by helping others connect into their inner wisdom and power, and to break free from their limiting patterns, that we may become a more harmonious species one person at a time. This work is an act of unconditional love, and an act of revolution. The modern world focuses so much on disconnection from our planet, from our neighbors, from our own selves. It is a rebellious act to look within for answers, to unravel your conditioning, to address your wounds and begin to heal, to dare to know and love yourself. I am here to assist you with all of this and more. Healing work is not easy, but it is necessary if we ever want to see real progress (personally and collectively). The revolution starts within, and I would be honored to walk alongside you on this sacred journey. You are worth it. We are worth it. This planet is worth it. We are all in this together.

New Clients If you are new to Reiki or maybe just new to me and you would like a sample of what I offer before committing to a session, book a “Vibe Check”! This is a twenty minute meet and greet session with a touch of Reiki at NO COST for new clients with no obligation to book. Available virtually or in-person. OR skip the vibe check and enjoy 25% off your very first booking instead. :)