Who am I and why am I here?

These are questions that I’ve grappled with my entire life. I’ve always known I was meant to help people in a big way, but it wasn’t until I committed to my own healing journey that I began to figure out the how. As I allow my essence to blossom, my path becomes more clear. As I mend my heart and allow love to flow freely, I become more aligned with my true self. I will attempt to make my introduction brief, but be sure to follow my Substack if you’d like to know more about my background, personal journey, and my ongoing transformation.

Hello and welcome! My name is Clara and I’m here to help heal the world one person at a time! I have studied social sciences for many years. In 2014, I earned a degree in Anthropology/Sociology. Since then I have informally continued my studies, but with more of an emphasis on psychology and behavioral science. I have used this knowledge to help me deepen my understanding of archetypes, behavioral patterns, conditioning, and the common struggles and limitations that we subconsciously impose on ourselves. While this all helped me to become more self aware, I felt that there was still a missing piece. Finally as I began to awaken spiritually, I started to connect the dots and see all of the places that science and mysticism overlap. Once it really set in that everything is truly energy, it all finally clicked into place. I could use energy work to help myself and others transform their lives and connect with their purpose. I already had a natural ability to connect to people’s energy fields, and becoming attuned to Reiki has helped me to further develop this skill and better understand my own intuitive abilities. I truly love connecting with my clients and helping them identify and overcome their blockages on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level so that they may find their inner power and wisdom to move through the obstacles with more ease, and live a more balanced and aligned life. I am fueled by love, understanding, connection, and intuition. I use a trauma-informed lens to meet people where they’re at. I also use my inner knowing and spirit connection to give them exactly what they need, making each session a unique and deeply healing experience. Wherever you’re at in your journey, I would be truly honored to support you.


What is Reiki?

Reiki is the Japanese word for “Universal Life Force Energy”. It is known cross-culturally with names like Prana, Chi, and Qi. It is the energy that exists in all things and connects us to the web of life. It allows us to tap into and even embody the divine flow of unconditional love. A Reiki practitioner has been attuned to the frequency of this energy and is able to channel it and guide it in order to promote the healing of the mind, body, and spirit. While the true and ancient origins of this modality remain unknown, Dr. Mikao Usui is accredited for founding the first ever Reiki clinic in Japan in 1922. He developed a system for passing on this sacred knowledge and was able to attune around 2000 people during his lifetime! While several different branches have developed over the years, anyone that practices this modality today has a lineage of teachers that connects back to Usui. I practice “Quantum Spirit Healing Reiki”, which has an emphasis on shifting energy at a quantum (subatomic) level, which allows the healing to transcend space and time. This can make for some powerful transformations for those who are ready. My teacher and mentor, Rini York, is the founder of this branch of Reiki and weaves her vast knowledge and experience from being a skilled professional in many other modalities (Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Quantum Shiatsu, Tai Chi, Hypnotherapy, and Astrology to name a few) into the framework of Reiki. This is more of a nontraditional approach, but it still aligns with the values and integrity of Reiki. It is important to note that Reiki is for everyone. You do not need to adhere to any sort of religious dogma in order to give or receive Reiki. It is an open practice that is completely nonjudgemental. People of all identities, backgrounds, and/or belief systems are welcomed with open arms.

What are the benefits?

The benefits of Reiki are truly countless. It is an invaluable tool for personal development and healing on all levels. While it is not a substitute for medical care, it can have an amazing impact on your health and wellbeing when used as a complimentary treatment. Here are some examples of some of the many things that Reiki can help with.

  • Reduce and sometimes resolve physical aches and pains

  • Speed up recovery time from illness or injury

  • Reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression

  • Promote relaxation and improve quality of rest

  • Feel more balanced and energized

  • Improve quality of life and sense of wellbeing

  • Promote deep emotional healing

  • Reduce the amount of stored residual trauma in the body

  • Promote mental clarity and alignment

  • Improve self awareness and connection to body

  • Boost mood, self-confidence, and sense of security

  • It can help with just about anything you need it to!

What to expect before, during, and after a session?

For in person sessions, you will come to my studio space at Silver Lining Acupuncture located inside the Everest Building inner-Southeast Portland (directions will be provided upon booking). Before we begin, we will sit down and discuss what’s going on in your life and what you may wish to get out of the session. You’re free to give me as much or as little information as you’d like, and please note that anything shared with me is treated as confidential. My priority is that you feel safe and comfortable. Prior to beginning the session, I may pull an oracle card for additional guidance if you are open to that. You will then remove your shoes and lay down on the massage table while remaining fully clothed. I will begin by clearing the energy in the space, saying a nondenominational prayer for guidance and protection, and setting a healing intention. I will then begin channeling Reiki through my hands and guiding the energy through each of your primary energy centers (chakras), starting at your head and working my way down. I will be feeling for energy blockages along the way so that I can help with clearing them out and rebalancing. I will also be connecting the chakras to promote a harmonious flow of energy which will help to bring you back into alignment. This process can be done entirely hands off if you prefer, but if you are comfortable with hands on healing, I will incorporate some light, gentle touch into the session. Be aware that during in person sessions, I do use elements of sound healing through my playlist. There is also an option to add a tuning fork treatment to your session if you would like to further explore this additional modality. Afterwards, we will sit down and discuss what came up for you during the session. This is also when I will share any relevant psychic imagery or information that came through during the session and we can discuss possible interpretations of those. I may also make recommendations for ways to continue your healing and maintain your energetic wellbeing on your own. My goal is for you to leave feeling refreshed, empowered, and tuned in to your mind, body, and spirit.
*I have recently moved to a location that is ADA accessible. Hooray!

For distance sessions, the procedure is nearly the same except for everything is done over the phone or via Zoom (your preference). The healing is most effective when you have the time and space to be comfortable, relaxed, and undisturbed. I will contact you at the designated time and we will have a discussion and oracle reading. You will then have the option to either stay on the line and be guided into a meditation, or you can choose to end the call and listen to whatever music or sounds that you find relaxing and I will contact you again at the end of the session and we will discuss what came up for both of us. I will be able to tap into your auric field and channel the Reiki regardless of our geographic locations. Most of what I offer can also be done virtually. Make sure you are booking the type of session that you are wanting.

For pet sessions, due to the active and wiggly nature of most pets, and the fact that only service animals are allowed in my treatment room, distance treatments are generally the best option for pets. For these treatments I will need the animal’s name and photo. I will call and check in with the pet’s owner before and after the session, which will take around 40 minutes. From my experience, pets are very receptive to Reiki. It can assist them with everything from anxiety, to digestive issues, to hormone imbalances, to injury and illness recovery. Reiki can help with just about anything that ails your furry, feathered, or scaly friends. I have experience with cats, dogs, rabbits, lizards, and even crustaceans. I love working with animals and there’s no species that I will turn down.

What does Reiki feel like?

The experience is unique and personal for each person and it will vary during each individual session depending on what you’re working through at that time. Many clients report feeling warm, tingly, twitchy, and/or floaty. While occasionally people report minor discomforts, most find the experience to be deeply relaxing. Falling asleep is quite common. Since we are working with the auric body, emotional releases can also occur. Thoughts may come and go, but Reiki usually induces a meditative state. Some people may also have extrasensory experiences during their session. Know that Reiki is the vibration of unconditional love, and anything that comes up is for your greatest good. You are safe, protected, and deeply supported in this space. Post session, many people report feeling lighter, well rested, more balanced, clear minded, more confident, and have an overall sense of relief.

How is this modality different from other methods of healing?

There are many things that make Reiki a unique and special form of healing. My favorite thing about it is that it meets you where you’re at and gives you exactly what you need. I hold space for you while your body does what it needs to do in order to heal. Everything that is ready to be released will gently be cleared from your aura. I am simply the facilitator. I help to channel and guide the energy through my hands, but ultimately you’re the one doing the healing. I also love that it is universal. You are not required to subscribe to a specific set of beliefs or values in order for it to work. As long as you show up somewhat open to the experience, you will receive what you need at that time. Lastly, I love the fact that you can have a healing experience that adapts to your unique needs without even having to be touched. This can be a game changer for abuse survivors or anyone that experiences trauma responses from physical touch. It is also a much more gentle approach to healing for people with injuries and severe pain than other forms of therapy may be.