What people are saying.

  • I had the most beautiful experience!! Clara’s energy is warm, comforting and kind and I felt emotionally safe for the entire time. I have a hard time being vulnerable about hurt from my past and in my session I had the huge mental breakthrough that I’ve been waiting for for years. Clara was awesome about explaining everything and making sure I was comfortable before, during and after the session. I had never experienced reiki healing before and went into this with an open mind and was not disappointed. I’ve never before been able to enter a meditative state like that! I really think she has a very, very special and beautiful gift. I 100% recommend making an appointment for yourself if you’re in need of some self reflection & spiritual healing! Thank you Clara!"

    KZ Portland, OR

  • "I've never done anything like it before, but felt very comfortable and relaxed the entire time. I've been struggling with something personal I haven't quite shared with anyone yet and after our session, Clara had told me she felt some resistance or blockage in one specific area of my chakras that suggested there's something I wanted to get out or be more honest about. She had no previous knowledge of this whatsoever, but hit it on the nose, spot on. A day or two after our session, I had reflected a lot on everything she had shared with me... I'm normally very anxious when it comes to changes like starting a new job or relationship, but after my time with Clara, I've felt more confident and clear with my decisions. I highly recommend this... Such an insightful and peaceful experience."

    ES Portland, OR

  • "My kitty tore her ACL and I was worried she would need surgery. She's older and was struggling so badly. Clara reached out and offered some Reiki for her. I've never done Reiki for myself or my animals, but I figured, yes, let's try it! Mind you, this is from another state! Within a day, Mama (my cat) was walking better and acting more like her old self! After two sessions, I took her to a spine and leg specialist. They told me she was growing her scar tissue at a VERY high rate and that she was doing phenomenal! So well, in fact, that she doesn't need surgery! It truly has been an amazing experience. Not only that, but Clara read me like a book as well (with permission) and helped me with some of my problem areas, within my own body. She's informative, kind, patient and helpful. She truly is incredibly gifted and now Mama just needs small check ins and minor help. Thank you so much Clara! You are such a gift!"

    BA Bonney Lake, WA